Forest owner’s services

We are your trusted, expert timber trade partner

Isojoen Saha’s Forest Department helps the forest owner in all the stages of a forest’s life cycle. We co-operate with forest owners around Isojoki, Finland. Through sustainable forestry, we ensure that the forest stays healthy and the owner’s earnings from it grow. We always make maximum use of the whole sawlog, earning the forest owner a greater profit. We also provide employment for a long chain of local subcontractors.

Sustainable forestry is good for the environment

Your forest property is valuable. It always has both financial and recreational value. In addition, the forest absorbs carbon and helps the climate. The management of commercial forests also strengthens the forest’s natural assets. With well-timed forestry work, you take care of your forest in many ways:

  • you ensure the forest’s healthy growth
  • you increase the forest’s production capacity
  • you make sure that the future generations can also enjoy the forest.



The use of timber

The use of timber